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News — orchids

New Inventory!

burmanii cedar cephalotus drosera inventory New products orchids serpens sundew

New Inventory!

This growing season has been excellent so far! We now have more room since relocating our operation to a much bigger facility. So much more room that we have started to add more products to our inventory. Right now we are focussing on sundews simply because they are AWESOME! I just added D serpens which is a member of the indica complex. I also will have some D burmanii, D regia and Cephalotus in the works :D They will be up for sale later on in the season so keep checking back.  They aren't carnivorous but I added 2 tropical...

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Check us out on eBay for something a little different!

auction different ebay exotic orchids sale unusual

Check us out on eBay for something a little different!

Looking for something unusual? We post many of our most interesting plants on eBay. Many are orchids in spike, carnivorous plants that we have very limited numbers of and some different bromeliads and other odds and ends. Here are a few of the beautiful orchids currently available.      http://www.ebay.com/sch/blueridgeexotics/m.html?item=122558029082&hash=item1c89071d1a%3Ag%3AYdAAAOSwFqNZSdqZ&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562

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